Numerology Name Calculator Logo

Numerology Name Calculator is the world’s largest resource for Astrology enthusiasts and experts of all things numbers. Founded in 2017, Numerology Name Calculator is proud to be a spiritual teacher for people from all walks of life around the globe. Our mission is to inspire and educate millions of teachers, artists, and astrologists worldwide.

Our Story

The subject of Numerology is a lost art and has its beginnings with the Egyptians and other ancient civilizations. Over time, different cultures have symbolically derived their own meanings from numbers and created what we now know today as Numerology. There are many different types of Numerology, such as Chaldean, Kabbalah, and Pythagorean, however holistically each type falls under one central idea which is a divine belief in the relationship between a number and coinciding events.

Our Mission

Numerology Name Calculator stands out as a brand that represents the greater good of humanity. Although we are only a small group of individuals, you can help us spread our message with family and friends in your local neighborhood.

We have guides, resources, and charts for all those who enjoy acquiring knowledge on the subject of Numerology. If you want a quick reading feel free to get your own personalized one here.

The meaning behind numbers in numerology

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Numerology Meanings

Learn about some of the most popular & important numerology numbers.